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Archive for January 27th, 2016


Focused Conversations – Introducing a New Topic

If you are introducing a group to a new topic, whether in a training session or in an OD workshop where you what to open them up to new ideas and also get them to realise that they probably have some of the knowledge they need already – try this focused conversation.

Image result for image - new topic


Well Today we’re going to launch into a new topic – [NAME TOPIC] Let’s talk about this a bit. We all have some experience of this area.


Objective Questions

When was your first experience of this topic?

As you think about this, what images jump into your mind?

What are some of the things we already know about this?


Reflective Questions

What feelings do you associate with this topic?

What are some of your past experiences related to the topic?

What colour do you associate with this?

What animal does it remind you of?

What aspects of it do you enjoy?

What don’t you like about it?

What is the most challenging things about it?


Interpretative Questions

Why is this topic important?

How will if affect you? Your work? Other aspects of your life?

What are your major questions in this area?


Decisional Questions

How can we help each other learn about this topic?



As we share our insights like this, we have already taken the first steps in grasping this topic.